Methods of Elaboration of Dynamic Decision Making Model in the System of Personnel Security of Enterprise

Panchenko Volodymyr

About the Authors

Panchenko Volodymyr, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Deputy Director on Educational Work, Higher Education Institution Kirovohrad Cooperative College of Economy and Law named after N.P. Sai Kirovohrad Regional Union of Consumer Societies, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:


The most common methods of constructing control systems are based on the use of mathematical models of objects. However, for the vast majority of both artificial and natural objects of management, the construction of accurate mathematical models is practically impossible in view of their complex formalization. In addition, these objects function in an environment whose properties change or can not be determined in advance. In the case of poor formalization of the control object, the problem of constructing a system based on intellectual principles is updated. The aim of the work is to improve the process of dynamic decision making method based on intellectual techniques, which will allow increasing the quality of the personnel security management system. The approach to the dynamic decision making method electing in the personnel security system was improved by constructing an analytical hierarchical model that will scientifically substantiate the selected intellectual technology by processing the statistical data and expert information. The matrices of pairwise comparisons of alternatives according to certain criteria were developed, the matrices were normalized, the coefficients of consistency of estimates were calculated, the weight of the criteria was determined, and the weighted average rating of intellectual methods was constructed. The usage of fuzzy logic tools for the construction of a dynamic decision making model in the personnel security system of the enterprise was substantiated. The scientific novelty of the work is an improved approach to the process of dynamic decision making method electing of the personnel security management system by constructing an analytical hierarchical model that will scientifically substantiate the selected intellectual technology by processing the statistical data and expert information and allow to increase the quality of the personnel security management system. The practical value lies in applying the Saati method to automate the process of choosing a method for developing a dynamic management model of the personnel security system. The prospect of the study is the development of a dynamic decision-making model with the usage of fuzzy logic tools for the personnel security intelligent management system.


personnel security, dynamic decision making model, economic security, qualitative indicators, multicriterion models, intellectual management, fuzzy logic, Saaty method

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Copyright (c) 2018 Panchenko Volodymyr